Binaural Beats and Monoaural Beats occur when two slightly different frequencies are played simultaneously. This creates a wobble, wawa, or beat. These beats have been extensively studied and have been shown to improve mood, focus, anxiety, sleep and many other things depending on the pairing of the frequencies. Our brain waves are able to sympathetically resonate, or “sync up” to beats and frequencies we hear. When we play these binaural or monaural beats at specific spacings, we can entrain our brains to the below brain wave patters, helping to achieve the listed state. We can use these beat frequencies as a shortcut, or trainer for our brains to enter into these various wave patterns, helping to promote the desired effect.

Brain Waves and Sympathetic Resonance

Delta: .5-4hz Deep Sleep, unconscious mind

Theta: 4-8hz Deeply relaxed, creative, intuitive, inward focus, healing state for your body

Alpha: 8-12hz Focus, Mental resourcefulness, physically and mentally relaxed

Beta: 12-35 hz awake, alert, excitement, anxiety, external attention

Gamma: 35 + hz Concentration, problem solving